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Seriously, is there an easy way in potty training puppies? Well, the answer is both yes and no. Yes if you have the patience and the right potty training guide. The answer is no if you do not have what it takes to turn your dog into a disciplined canine.
If you are a responsible pet owner, you will train your puppy to eliminate only at the right places. However, this will require much effort, patience, perseverance, determination, and time. But how does one train a puppy?
The Right Tools
You cannot proceed to potty training puppies without the right tools. Here is a list of the tools you need for this training activity.
In this potty training guide, we will emphasize the need for a crate because of the fact that dogs are animals that live in packs and dens, just like their ancestors, the wolves. What this tells us is that dogs do not like messy homes. Observed in the wilds, dogs do not defecate or urinate in their dens.
They do this somewhere else. This is why you need a crate. As early as the puppy stage, you need to establish to the dog that it has a home and this home should always stay clean.
The Right Approach
The first thing you need to determine is the right schedule for potty time. When potty training dogs, you need to understand that dogs will go if they need to go.
As the trainer of the dog, you should be prepared to adjust to the dog’s biological schedule or call. Do not expect the dog to make the adjustment for you.
There two key approaches here:
The first is through the use of a leash. Take the puppy out every hour. Do not play with it and do not distract it, just let it sniff around and if it starts doing its business, praise it heavily with a happy voice. Use key words that you intend to use in the future as a command for potty break.
For example, you can say, “Go Potty! Good puppy! Very good puppy!” In time, the dog will learn to associate this rewarding experience with potty breaks. Soon, you can make the dog poop in command. When you say “Go potty!” it will respond by defecating.
The second approach to potty training puppies is the night watch approach. This is done through putting the puppy in the crate and watching and waiting until it shows signs of wanting to poop.
At this stage, take the puppy out and repeat the first approach mentioned above. This is the correct way in potty training dogs if you want them to understand that a house is a house and that it should be kept clean at all times.
As a reminder, only use the unhappy voice when you caught the dog pooping in the wrong place. Show the dog that you are not happy for what it did and it should be able to catch on. Do not hurt the dog as a punishment.
When the dog has done a good job, fuss over it and make it feel rewarded. Praise the puppy a lot and play with it. It has to understand that good things will happen if it eliminated at the right spot.
Part of potty training puppies is your own consistency. Do not expect the dogs to understand the training objectives in just one day. It will take weeks or even months, depending on the dog breed, to complete the potty training.
Some dogs catch up easier than other dogs. You as the master should diligently repeat these processes until such time that the dog has displayed learning and you are confident that the dog will rarely eliminate at the wrong spot.
To read and understand more information about Potty Training, check out the highly recommended Potty Training eBook and audio package today!