Discover the Potty Training Secrets that "Will Have Your Dog Potty Trained Within Just 7 Days!"
Immediately end the frustration and stress of dealing with "accidents!
We Guarantee it!
From: Sharda Baker
Dear fellow dog lover,
There is not much that compares to sharing your life with a four-legged bundle of joy is there?
Considering the amount of unconditional love and affection that a puppy or even an adult dog can give, it is little wonder they are called man's (or a woman's) best friend.
What is the biggest problem with a new puppy or adult dog?
It's Housetraining, teaching your dog how to go to the toilet correctly and not on your prized rug!
Hands down it's the first and usually the biggest problem most dog owners will encounter.
Let me share a little something with you.
My name is Sharda Baker and I, like you, am also a dog lover. Most of my life I have been involved with dogs, and along the way I have also shared the frustration of trying to potty train a dog.
The messes and the time involved can be so frustrating!
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Give the potty training report a try today, I'm sure you will find it very helpful.
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PS. I dislike SPAM as well! Your email address is kept 100% confidential and will never be shared with anybody.
You have my sincere promise on this!
I learned by trial and error
Over time I have learned quite a few things about housetraining dogs. Most importantly, I have learned what works and what doesn't work. I know how exasperating it can be to have to clean up puddles (and even worse!), no matter how much you love your dog or puppy.
There are a lot of conflicting theories about potty training a dog and it can be confusing to know which will work and which are useless.
Everyone you talk to seems to have different advice to give you.
When you have a new dog, whether it's a puppy or an adult dog that is experiencing problems with potty training, you want to solve the problem as fast as possible, right?
The faster you can get your dog potty trained, the faster you will be able to completely enjoy the experience of sharing your life with a dog.
Get started today quickly potty training your dog
So, what are you to do?
Housebreaking a puppy or an adult dog doesn't have to be frustrating, and as I mentioned before, I have some tips that can help you and your dog to get through the process faster and a lot easier.
One of the first important lessons you will want to teach your dog is to help them learn when and where they can "take care of business".
Housebreak your Dog in Just 7 Days?
If you've heard horror stories from friends about how long it took them to housebreak their puppy or you've had bad experiences in the past with housebreaking a puppy, I want to assure you that the process does not have to take forever!
Consider this fact.
You can housebreak your dog, whether it's a puppy or an adult dog, in as little as 7 days!
That's right; within a week you can have your dog housetrained!
In fact, often housebreaking a dog can be done in as little as 24 - 48 hrs but of course in truth some dogs will take longer. It will depend to a degree on their age and background plus what method of housetraining you use.
Think for a moment.
How nice would it be to have your dog potty trained in the next 7 days?
Consider the amount of time and money you will save. You then won't need to worry when friends come over that your dog might "have an accident' and embarrass you.
You can then enjoy your puppy or dog and stop worrying about stepping in messes or your favorite carpet being ruined by a "whoopsy."
Yes you really can.
It's not just a hopeful wish, you really can put an end to the messes and frustration and the"Potty Training in 7 Days" guide can show you how.
Believe me, I've dealt with my fair share of dog messes over the years and I know what it's like to then have that same dog's behavior changed for the better.
Being a author of over a dozen dog ebooks and countless dog newsletter publications, I have got to hear from many hundreds of my readers, dog trainers and other dog professionals.
I have heard both their good and bad experiences in regard to all the many potty training techniques that are around today.
Announcing... The Complete 7 Day Potty Training Guide
That's why I have created the "Complete Potty Training in 7 Days Guide". This is the ultimate guide to potty training that will show you step by step exactly how to get your dog potty trained in just 7 days using effective and proven methods.
Here's just some of what you will discover in the Complete 7 Day Potty Training Guide.
- Discover different methods of housebreaking a dog (the ones that work and the ones that don't)!
- Understand when is the best time to start training your dog?
- Find out what is the best equipment and supplies you will need to best potty train your dog in just 7 days.
- How to effectively clean soiled areas and get rid of those smells.
- How to handle training an older dog (yes you can potty train your older dog!).
- Uncover common potty training problems and how to handle them.
- Tips for quickly and easily potty training a new puppy.
- How to make the most of using potty pads.
- Discover training tips for dogs in apartments and even in extreme situations like snow.
- Learn how to use crate training to housetrain your dog.
- How to gently and effectively potty train dogs from a rescue shelter or an older dog that has been poorly trained.
- What to do about marking and how to stop it.
- Tips for litter box training.
- How to effectively clean accidents.
- Secrets of effective paper training.
- What to do about messing up while you are away from your home.
Nothing is left out; everything you need to know to get your dog potty trained within just 7 days is included.
Works for both puppies and adult dogs
No matter whether you have a puppy or an older dog, even a dog you brought home from the shelter, you will find everything you need to get your dog trained PRONTO!
Not only does this guide include timely tips and advice for cleaning up messes that may have already occurred, but it also includes advice for overcoming some of the most common stumbling blocks that you may encounter while housebreaking your dog.
Order the 7 Day Potty Training Guide Here - Safely & Securely
I know how frustrating it is to try and housebreak your best buddy and I don't want you to have to go through that misery for a day longer than necessary.
So, the ultimate question.
How much is this going to cost me you're probably thinking.
Will this cost me an arm and a leg?
I'm a fair woman and I know you just want good, easy to follow answers and help with your dog potty training problems, so I'm offering my guide for just $ 19.97.
You get all the answers and help you need to get your dog potty trained within 7 days plus a 60 day no questions asked money back guarantee, for just $ 19.97.
Click Here to Order the 7 Day Potty Training Guide Safely & Securely
Did I mention that in addition to the regular ebook you also get a professional MP3 audio recording of the book as well?
You can take it with you and listen to it anywhere you go. Listen to it while you jog, on your way to work, while cooking, in the car or wherever.
Here are some testimonial success stories - I would like to add yours as well!
Hi Sharda.
I was about to give up with potty training until I found your Potty Training ebooks and audios.
After buying your ebook, Maddie was potty trained within 6 days and we haven't looked back since.
Thanks so much.
Mary Ann Thompson and Maddie
Los Angeles, CA. USA)

Hello Sharda,
Your Complete Guide to Potty is wonderful and easy to understand and put into practice.
The techniques on housebreaking were excellent and worked like a treat.
We have a Poodle called Sally who we bought at 7 months of age. She had not been properly potty trained so we had a real tough time initially.
But after we followed your step by step guide things have really changed for the better!
I think you were right about Sally thinking she was the pack leader in our household.
Thanks again.
Patrick Ryan
Denham Springs. Louisiana. USA

Dear Sharda,
I have been meaning to e-mail you about how your potty training ebooks and audios has greatly improved my life with my darling dog Lena!!
We were having a terrible time with toilet training with Lena almost ruining our carpets.
I had tried everything before I found you and I am so pleased that after following your advice, Lena is now the perfect Angel with no more accidents.
Unbelievable ... I still cannot belief my eyes.
Thank you so much Sharda,
Jane Dempsey
South Greenfield, Missouri. USA

To Whom it May Concern
Until I found Sharda Baker's Potty training website, I had bought 3 dog training guides that each were reasonable in what they contained, but none that taught potty training in the same detail that Sharda's does.
The other difference is that Sharda's Potty Training guide is so easy to follow. It is clearly explained and most works!
Don't waste your time with other training guides. I recommend you look at Sharda Baker's Complete Guide to Potty Training Within 7 Days.
It worked wonders for my doggie.
Thank you.
Cheri Taylor
St Ives. England

The testimonials on this page are from real people and show the positive experiences they have had.
Not every customer can expect to or will achieve the same success and experiences as those listed on this page. Many customers fail to achieve these same results.
One of the main reasons not everyone achieves the same results is that in many cases they may not read the ebook or listen to the audios completely or they may not follow the information provided.
To achieve the best results for your dog, it is suggested you read all of the ebook and listen to any of the audios provided. You will then be in a better position to make the right decisions to best care for your dog.
But, wait.
There's more FREE bonuses valued at $27.98!
For a limited time, I am also offering 2 incredible genuine free bonuses valued at $27.98! These bonuses will be included FREE with all new purchases of the "Complete 7 Day Potty Training Guide". See below for details.
Bonus # 1: Vet Health Tips Interview-Audio
This audio is an interview with a well renown dog Veterinarian and is packed with helpful dog health information.
It includes up to date information on dog health tips, diet tips (including the most dangerous 3 foods to avoid, pregnancy help and advice, emergency care for your dog, a large section on management of dog allergies, care of you dog before and after surgery, all about spaying and neutering, plus much, much more.
The audio is 1 hour and 7 minutes long.
(A full transcription of the audio is also included).
Usual price is $12.99.
Both audio and the transcription are included at no extra cost.
Bonus # 2: 101 Healthy Homemade Dog Recipes
This popular ebook contains a massive 60 pages consisting of 101 yummy, very healthy, lovingly home prepared and cooked meals for your dog.
Each delicious healthy recipe includes a convenient list of ingredients... and a set of complete step-by-step preparation and cooking instructions... that are simple to follow.
It even contains a very helpful section that shows you how to really simplify your life by so easily cooking a larger quantity of each of the meals that you are preparing for your dog ahead of time and refrigeration/freezing the individual portioned meals for use later.
When you get home from work, and you start preparing the family dinner... simply take "Fido's" portion out of the freezer/refrigerator and simply "microwave it" also.
Usual price is $14.99.
The recipes ebook is included at no extra cost.
So in summary, this is what you get
You get the Complete 7 Day Potty Training Guide; this includes the Potty Training Guide ebook, the Potty Training Guide mp3 audio, the Vet dog health secrets mp3 audio and ebook and the 101 homemade dog recipes ebook.
That's a normal retail value of $34.98 for just $19.97
A genuine 42% discount
Yes Sharda, please give me instant access to
"The Complete 7 Day Potty Training Guide"
for just $34.98 $19.97
I understand I'll receive instant access to the "Complete 7 Day Potty Training Guide"ebook and audio program PLUS the 2 bonuses.
I further understand my purchase is fully protected with a 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Are you ready then?
Are you ready to put an end to the frustration of potty training your puppy or adult dog? Are you tired of cleaning up messes? Does it seem like you've tried everything and nothing has worked?
Well don't give up!
Put an end to the stress and frustration and start enjoying your dog more with time proven and effective steps for Potty Training in 7 Days?
Here's my ironclad 60 day 100% satisfaction
"Full Money Back" guarantee.
Take action today and quickly learn the proven methods to potty train your dog within 7 days.
Best regards,
P.S. You'll be amazed at how simple and easy it is to FINALLY get your dog potty trained within just 7 days for only $19.97 (a 42% discount).
P.P.S. Oh, and don't forget the 2 special free bonuses you will receive for taking action right now. Remember, I take all the risk! You have nothing to lose with my 60 day refund guarantee!
Click Here to solve your Potty Training problems within 7 days